The man who says that sex is a gift from God cannot love as God loves. God’s love is not sexual. Saying that God gives sex as a gift to man, sexualizes God’s love. There’s no way around it, no escape from this logical conclusion. God is not sexual. Divine Love is not sexual. Blaming God for sex and attaching it to His nature legitimizes it. As long as heterosexuals claim sex as a gift from God, they will never have a legitimate claim against homosexuality. The heterosexual cannot claim a divine right to sexuality that he denies to the homosexual.I do not argue the legitimacy of homosexuality, but proclaim the ultimate illegitimacy of all sensuality and lust. I do not claim to be sufficient for these things, but honor their goodness and truth. God is Love, and His love is not sensual, neither heterosexual nor homosexual. And he whose affections are sensual cannot love as God loves.
Humanity binds homosexuals to lust by defining and limiting love to sensual forms of expression, and the homosexual doesn’t even know what’s happening. The homosexual believes that God made him that way, when he needs to understand that mortal belief made him that way. The dominant, heterosexual attachment to lust enslaves homosexuals into the bargain. Homosexuals are fond of saying that they didn’t choose to be homosexual, that God or nature determined their sexual disposition, and that it must be good. However, God didn’t do it, it’s not good, and heterosexual culture and religion promulgated it. Heterosexuality produced homosexuality and ended up calling it good in defense of itself. Homosexuals fight for the right to be wrong, and heterosexuals instigated the farce.
If men and women knew how to love as God loves, there would be less sensuality and homosexuality would dissolve as a social issue. But as long as heterosexuals claim a sexual prerogative from God, the struggle for homosexual equality will prosper and society will suffer. The homosexual struggle is really humanity’s struggle to remain sensual. All any of us wants is to be loved. And if we were to feel the love we long for, the obsession with sex would diminish until it finally disappears.