Saturday, March 20, 2021

Elisha and The Prophet's Wife

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? Who am I, or what am I that you should look to me for relief? I have no worldly goods to give you. I have not saved up worldly riches to help the poor. It would behoove you to look to God, the source of all substance and being, in your time of need. But, I will help you. I will do what I can for you, to bless you, because I feel compassion for you and your sons. I will share my understanding of God with you by arousing your faith in Him. We will enlighten your understanding of substance and supply by demonstrating it with a pot of oil and some empty vessels. We will keep you and your sons busy exercising faith in the Provider of all good, and you will have what you need. And it was so (II Kings 4).

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Celebrate God in Christ

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped (Psalms 28). Spirit is the only substance and consciousness recognized by divine Science (S & H: p. 278). The objects cognized by the physical senses have not the reality of substance. They are only what mortal belief calls them (S & H: p. 311). This is a specimen of the ambiguous nature of all material health-theories (S & H: p.388).

The prodigal son shows us that it is good and natural to celebrate right thinking and spiritual consciousness. Whether we are steadfast in Spirit or returning to the right standard, it always helps to celebrate spiritual being. Do you feel lost and disappointed by the world's prospects? Don't despair! Celebrate God in Christ, and you will be inspired and energized. You will find ways to make life better. You too can return to your Father and claim your place in His family. The Samaritan leper was healed by his own gratitude. It was a spiritual yearning which he must have felt even before Jesus helped him to bring it to the point of healing. And Jesus said to him, "Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole" (Luke 17). Jesus had the power to heal those whose faith was not sufficient to make them whole. Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? Only the Samaritan knew that he had bonded spiritually with Jesus and returned to thank him.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Family Name

God is the Father and we are his family, named after Christ. Christians. It is good to have a name, to be named. Ephesians 3: 15. It is good to look to the Father for sustenance and support. Mankind will not endorse, promote, and provide for you. Mortals thrive on a selfish instinct. It is human nature to advance oneself to the exclusion and diminishment of others. We do it all the time. All the more reason to find substance in Spirit, God. Manna from heaven and water from the rock. Exodus 17: 6.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


Glory.  Majesty.  Might.  Length.  Breadth.  Height.  Depth.  Ephesians 3; Science and Health, p. 520.  Manna.  Pulse.  Beans.  Water.  Daniel’s beans and water stave off hunger and preserve health better than the king’s meat and wine.  God.  Sustainer.  Protector.  Father.  Friend.  Manna in the desert.  Manna from heaven.  Beans and water in the king’s palace.  Celebration of the prodigal son.  The Samaritan leper’s gratitude and healing.  The glory, majesty, and might of God.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Mind 2/21/2021

3. Your faith should stand in the power of God.
6. Shun profane and vain babblings.

Nearness, not distance, lends enchantment to this view (p. 209). Christian Science brings God much nearer to man. The All-in-all, forever near (p. 596).

10. The righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God. The words of wise men are heard in quiet.

Human power proportionate to its embodiment of right thinking (p. 225). Soul-sense comes to the human mind (p. 85). This corrective is an alterative (p. 423).

11. I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand.
12. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.

Make your own terms with sickness (p. 391). Christian Mind-healing (p. 98).

14. Be of one mind.

The Holy Ghost enables you to demonstrate the rule of healing (p. 496). Be merciful, just, and pure (p. 497).


Eddy, M. B.  (1906).  Science and health with key to the scriptures.  Boston, MA:  The Christian Science Board of Directors.

Holy bible (King James version).  (n. d.).  Boston, MA:  The Christian Science Publishing Society.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Abraham obeyed by faith.


What does the world see when it looks at me?  Old, fat, sick, and tired.  What do I have to offer that anyone in the world would want?  But, it’s still a blessing to oneself and others to be good and do the right thing.  Alright, I’m not going to change the world, and people aren’t beating a path to my door.  But, it’s still good for me and a blessing to others to study Christian Science, pray, commune with the divine Mind, be good, and do good.  It’s good to be calm, clear, inspired, and kind.  It’s good to look for ways to be a blessing to others.  It’s good to do the right thing, and to adhere to a moral code.  It’s good to be not afraid in the midst of confusion, uncertainty, lack, and discord.  It is good to obey God and venture forth like father Abraham to an unknown place and depend on the substance of Spirit to sustain one there.  The challenge is to do one’s part in the world, however small and undistinguished it might be, and abide in the consoling and invigorating substance of Mind at the same time.  Conscientious participation in the human story and inspired awareness of spiritual substance work together.  Learn to exercise the creative process of writing in the context of human endeavor with spiritual intent.  Writing isn’t everything, but it is something worth pursuing even if only as a pastime.  And, if it’s worth pursuing, it’s worth learning how to do it well.  Writing.  Trying to write.  Not writing.

Monday, October 14, 2019

What's It Worth?


Let’s not be either coy or dishonest. I’m a homosexual. I’ve been a homosexual for a long time. Homosexuality is my sexuality. Homosexuality is the sex I want. Homosexuality is the sex I desire. I’m not saying that my sexual position or orientation is right or moral; I’m simply saying that it’s what I am. For what it’s worth . . .  I’m not trying to teach anyone. I’m just a big blabber-mouth. I spend time writing. I spend time trying to write. I spend time doing other stuff than writing. Matthew and Elias. It was all Elias at first, but Matthew has come forward. Matthew has stepped up. There’s no fool like an old fool, and I’m an old fool. It took me a long time to learn that guys were more interested in having sex with me than they were in plumbing the depths of my intellect or spirituality. It has taken me a long time to learn how the world works. It has taken me a long time to learn what men are like and what they want. I want sex and relationships on my terms. I want to make decisions about the relationships I have with men in my life. I don’t want to be the butt of other people’s decisions about me. I want to have some say about the way my life turns out. It has taken me a long time to see that spirituality is a personal choice and a way of life. It’s not a career. Spirituality is not a career choice. It’s a way of life choice. Spirituality isn’t what one does to win others over. It’s not a popularity contest. I don’t devote myself to spiritual things with the thought that others should take note. I can’t control how others see me. I can’t require that other people see me the way I see myself. Each of us views the world through a personal lens. I made decisions about my life. I made decisions about how to live my life. I did what I thought was best. I did what I thought was right. I have always tried to do the right thing. I have not always known what the right thing is.