Friday, November 27, 2015

Homemaking and Housekeeping


Pretty lady does household chores.
Things are not as they have been in the past. Things are not as I tried to make them in the past, and I have proven not to be sufficient for a lot of things. As life goes on, we learn what we are sufficient for and the pertinent lessons are not always easy. I would like to spend more time being a homemaker and housekeeper, which includes learning how to do it. I have not spent much time making a home for myself, and I regret it. I’m sixty years old and I haven’t made a real home for myself and others to enjoy. I have not learned how to be a good host. I don’t cook. I don’t entertain. I have not done the things that most other people do as normal parts of their lives. Whose fault is that? I made my own choices along the way to get where I am now. I did what I thought was best. I have done a few good things, but I have not accomplished what I had hoped to. Who can’t say that? Even very successful people say that.

I have to work, rest, and eat. Human life requires that I work to support myself. Biology requires that I take time to eat and sleep. Poor mortals work in order to do the other things in life that they would like to do. There is no life without work. It is essential. I choose to worship God, read, write, and socialize with my free time. It is up to me to figure out how most effectively to use my free time for the enjoyment of life. The efficient use of one’s own time is a universal, human challenge. Some of us do a better job than others. Some of us don’t even try.

I want to continue writing, as I have for many years. Thank you for the art of writing, Father-Mother; I do enjoy it. I want to worship God, as I have done from my youth. I want to make a real home for myself and others to enjoy. Homemaking and housekeeping require time and effort, work. I need to take the time and make the effort to have a real home, like other people do. I need to learn how most efficiently to schedule my activities for the best result. I need to discover what I’m capable of and do it.

Graphic retrieved November 27, 2015, from

Friday, November 6, 2015

Suffering Saints and Poor Little Men


Jesus with the crown of thorns, looking heavenward in his pain.

What happened to me, Lord? What happened to my life? It hasn’t turned out the way I had thought or hoped it would. It hasn’t turned out to be much of anything. Sex—the big bugaboo. Sex the mystery. Sex the big stumbling block. Naiveté. There are few people who are more naïve than I am. Sincerity and naiveté join forces to take a poor man nowhere.

Sex, whether I liked it or not, was always a big thing for me. I couldn’t get away from it in one form or another, and it’s still creeping around the margins of my life. If it could, it would work its way into the core of my being and take over. I doubt that I’ll let it take over but, after all these years, I still haven’t kicked it out. Celibacy, marriage, and casual sex. Choices. Celibacy is for saints, and I’m not a saint. Sainthood isn’t all about sex. Just because a man abstains from sex doesn’t make him a saint. People reduce everything to the lowest common denominator. Sexual abstinence is equated with holiness. Sexual indulgence is sin, and sexual deviance is wicked.

I would like to be a saint, but I am not. I’m not sure exactly what I am, but I’m not a saint. There’s a difference between catching a glimpse of yourself as spiritual idea and being a saint. I might have a sense of spiritual truth, but sainthood is conferred not claimed. There’s no such thing as a self-appointed saint. Mankind selects those for whom it has special reverence and elevates them to sainthood. The rest of us merely fend for ourselves in an indifferent, unfriendly world, buoyed by our spiritual intuition and the struggle to be always good. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing the spiritual life without worldly approbation or acclaim. One does not enter the spiritual path to win wealth, fame, and worldly approval. There are better ways to get rich quick. The spiritual way is peace, love, joy, and blessedness. Spirit is health and happiness. It doesn’t guarantee success or prosperity. We live in the world, but are not of it. Love God, and share his blessings with others summarizes the spiritual life.

It is possible, not probable, for me to be celibate. Going without sex is not my highest priority. Maybe it should be, but it never has been. That partly explains where I’m at in the world. Sometimes I think I should do more with sex than less. I like the idea of exploring the potential for sexual relationships. I seem to have reached a dead end with regular relationships. There’s got to be more to life than this. I could be very wrong, but I’ll give it a shot and make a correction if I have to. Sexual adventurism and experimentation. I should have done it a long time ago. I’m kind of old to be getting into this stuff now. But, I've always been a late bloomer and boys still like me.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Humble Beginnings


I made my humble appearance in the world a long time ago. How special each one is to his own place and people, no matter how humble and unremarkable to the world! Maybe one makes a parochial impression for a moment only to blend in quickly with the great sea of humanity. There’s nothing perverse or shameful about being small and unremarkable in this vast world. It is the nature of things and the fate that most of us share.

I was born an innocent child to the extent that I was ignorant of the world and my place in it. I inherited the mantle of my parents’ humanity. I was influenced by their culture, education, history, experience, and aspirations. I am not only what my parents were and wanted me to be. I am partly that, but I am also myself, something original and unique to my personality and experience. Bonnie and I experienced many things together and with our parents. The lives of children are extensions of their parents’ lives. Our parents live on in us along with the people and things we acquire along the way. We are not only our parents’ children, but nor can we divorce ourselves from them. They are always with us.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sacred Time


Young man sitting at a table in the pub.This sacred time. This sacred hour. Writing. Journal. Story. Biography. O Lord! Poor, little man that I am, I do love this time that I spend writing. Praying. Sorting things out. Trying to communicate. Trying to be heard. Trying to hear myself. Trying to express myself. Trying to be true to myself and others. I might not be the best man on the planet, but I have tried to be good and to improve myself as I have gone along. Trying to be loving and kind. Wanting to be loved. Wanting to be honest. Enjoying sex. Enjoying friendship. Loving God. Loving prayer, contemplation, and worship. Not understanding many things. Trying to understand what I can. Trying to do my best based on the little that I do know. Loving God. Loving men. Loving women. Admiring men. Attracted to men. Appreciating the beauty of men. Being sexual. Being homosexual. Not being ashamed of my sexuality. Not understanding my sexuality. Not knowing what there is to understand about sex, other than pursuing and being pursued by men with mutual sexual interests. Not understanding the power and the importance of sex to me and the world I live in. I am a naïve man. Naïve, ignorant, or both.

It’s awful to want to be something and not be able to achieve it. It’s awful to try hard without succeeding. It’s no fun to fail. It’s no fun to be mediocre. I think everyone would like to succeed in life. Everyone would like to succeed at something. We have dreams, hopes, aspirations, goals. We go to school, work, study, pray, communicate, observe, promote, persevere, persist, improve, progress, learn. It often seems like the return on our investment of time and effort is inadequate, other than the satisfaction of having done something well, learning something new, and contributing to the accomplishment of a worthy goal.

We have images of ourselves that we try to cultivate. I have an image of the man I want to be. I have an image of the man I think I am. I might have an image of myself that I want others to accept and respond to. I might want to be treated in a way that confirms the way I see myself. I want to be successful. I want to be financially secure. I want to prosper. I want good friends. I want to bless others. I want to be a good housekeeper and host. I want to be happy. I want to meet hot men for sex. I want to have sexual friendships. I want to have sex with my male friends. I want to make friends with my sexual hook-ups. I don’t want to be ashamed of sex, or of my sexuality. I don’t want sex to be my top priority, but I want to learn how to be comfortable with it. I want to learn how to integrate my sexuality with the rest of my life. I want to reserve a place for sex with the more important aspects of my life.

Photo: Portrait of Jamie Wise (Cecilie Harris, 2012). ©2015 Boys by Girls. Retrieved September 10, 2015, from

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Society with Secrets


Naked man posing outdoors on nature walk.

The kind of sex I like is like belonging to a secret society. Homosexuals find ways to identify each other, connect, and have sex. Lots of guys want to do it, but no one wants to admit it, or pursue relationships based on it. Guys want to do it, but they also want to sweep it under the rug. It’s not the kind of thing that comes up in polite conversation. I never thought of myself this way, but maybe I’m just a big pervert after all. I always thought I was more than that, better than that. But, it turns out that I’ve just been a big perv all along. Pity the fool! I am a big perv, and a religious man following a spiritual path. How does that work? I’m not sure, but I’ve been doing it for a long time.

One of the most powerful things that ever happened to me was to learn about sex. Pure and simple. That might be true for most people, a lot of people, some people? It seems like sex is an important part of most people’s lives, why not mine? Am I special? I have been tempted at times to believe that I am, for a number of reasons. But, here I am still schlepping through life, a mediocre mortal just doing the best I can. Still trying to figure things out. Still trying to make the best of things. Trying to enjoy my life. I don’t want to save the world. I just want to enjoy it while I'm in it. It doesn't matter how special I am if no one notices, and I have never been one to conduct a campaign to make people notice me. I like the idea of leaving people alone, and being left alone. If I have to make you, I don't want it.

I still like sex. It isn’t pretty any way you look at it, but it can be especially gruesome with age and unfit physiques. I am not body beautiful, but there are still guys and girls out there who want to have sex with me. I don’t know why. They probably don’t know why. Sex isn't intellectual. It just happens. I know it when I see it. I don’t have to figure it out to enjoy it. I don’t have to figure it out at all.

Photo: The Meat Rack on Fire Island. ©2015 David Shankbone. Retrieved August 15, 2015, from

Friday, August 7, 2015

Prom Night


Straight boy asks gay friend to go to prom with him. That’s kind of cool. Interesting. A comment on friendship, love, sexuality, and proms. Friendship is better than sex. Love is the force that makes friendship happen. What better way to enjoy a special event than to share it with a friend? What better way to enjoy life than to share it with people you love. Friendship is the thing. Love is the thing. It turns out that sex is not the thing after all. Two boys going to the prom together, because they’re friends, is what it’s all about.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Having It Both Ways


Young man with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

I don’t have to be sexual if I don’t want to be. It’s up to me. I can be celibate if I want to, if I think that it would be a good thing. No one is holding a gun to my head about sex. The thing with sex is to have it with the people you are sexually attracted to. Don’t twist it into some kind of a moral or social obligation. Sexual adventure. Sexual adventurism. Getting sex where you find it. Finding sex where you get it. I’m not going to find the kind of sex I want by marrying a nice girl. I will find a dishonest, unstable relationship with a nice a girl by marrying her, and I will still want to find attractive guys to have sex with. Girls deserve guys who are sexually attracted to them. I’m not necessarily looking for a relationship with a guy by having sex with him. I’m not necessarily trying to befriend a guy by having sex with him. We don’t have to become lifelong buddies to have sex together. I don’t have to marry a guy to jerk off with him. Marriage would be an extreme investment to make for the privilege of jerking off with a sexy guy. Who came up with this idea of gay marriage? I’d like to punch him in the nose. Society wants to make sex serious, and it’s not. There’s a reason why they call it gay sex. I don’t want to make sex something more than it is. I’m not saying that it’s a little, inconsequential thing. Let’s just not attach more importance to it than it deserves, or call it something that it isn’t.

Can I be both a spiritual man and a sexual man? Can I be both spiritual and sexual? Isn’t that what I have been all these years? Isn’t that what I’ve been doing? Can I enjoy the spiritual blessings of Christianity and the pleasure of gay sex? I won’t even go so far as to address gay marriage. That’s more of a political issue than anything else, and I become more averse to politics as time goes on. I’m more interested in having good sex with a hot guy than I am in getting married to him. That’s always been true for me. I have led a double life that is not conducive to the contemplation of gay marriage as a realistic possibility. Gay marriage hasn’t been on my radar. I’m too busy trying to survive and prosper as a homosexual man with delusions of spiritual grandeur.

What right do I have to approach the throne of God? Maybe I have as much right as any other man. Maybe. What right do I have to pray and read the Bible? What right do I have to be and do good to others? What right do I have to rely on God for healing? Am I good enough to worship God? Am I good enough to lead a spiritual life? Do I lead a spiritual life? Can I lead a spiritual life as a homosexual man? Can I rejoice spiritually and enjoy gay sex? That’s what I’d like to do.

Photo: F. Jimenez Meca ©2003 - 2015 Shutterstock. Retrieved July 28, 2015, from

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Alexander and I


Mosaic of Alexander riding Bucephalus in battle.

Life is more difficult and complex than I thought it would be. Follow your bliss. I thought that was all it took. I thought I would go along and get along, that everything would fall into place for me. What was I thinking! I thought the world would love, endorse, and support me, because I’m such an attractive, amazing man. So nice to have around, right? Charismatic, like a homosexual Billy Graham. O Lord, what a naïve little twerp I was.

All I have to do is figure things out to make them work, right? If I can just figure it out, everything will be fine. Alas, my ability to make things work is limited by time, energy, intelligence, talent, and relationships. I can’t do everything I want to do, and I don’t always get to do things the way I’d like to. Sometimes I have to settle for less. Sometimes I have to settle for making other people happy, rather than getting exactly what I want. That's what families do. We don’t breeze through life like kings in chariots. Even Alexander did not breeze through life. He fought his way through to an early death in a foreign land. The key to Alexander was that he was loved. The world feared him too. But, he accomplished what he did because of the love he inspired in the men and women who knew him.

Photograph: Mosaic of Alexander fighting King Darius III. Naples National Archaeological Museum. Retrieved June 17, 2015, from

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Till the Cows Come Home


18th century religious painting by anonymous Cusco School artist.
Follow your bliss. There is some logic to it. There is some truth to it. But, it’s not the key to everything. Is there any one key to everything? Can life be reduced down to the one thing that matters more than anything else? If it can, it’s not easy or obvious. Life can be and tends to be very complex. There’s a lot of different things to think about and do. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything that needs to be done and everything that others expect us to do. We go along and do the best we can. We have a tolerance for imperfection and human frailty or we don’t. Better to be tolerant of our own and others faults, or life becomes very unpleasant indeed.

I have tried to do the right thing. I have tried to live rightly. I have tried to be and do good. Our lives are full of narratives, our own and other’s. Some are true and some express our fondest wishes. Some narratives are true for some people, but they won't cut cookies consistently. A narrative that works for one man doesn’t necessarily bear up for all. Your happy ending might be my disappointment.

Poor mortals think in terms of rewards for their actions and efforts. We want and expect to be rewarded for doing the right thing. But, the reality is that you can do the right thing till the cows come home and not be rewarded for it. There are tangible rewards and spiritual rewards. Eternal and temporal. Earthy and heavenly. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly (I Corinthians 15: 48). We should be and do good as is the heavenly, not as is the earthy. We get swept away by compelling narratives about people who were rewarded for doing the right thing. Happy endings. Positive outcomes. Earthy rewards. We forget that the best reason for being good is a heavenly reward. Things don’t always end happily. How do we comport ourselves when things end badly? Do we forsake goodness if we don’t get our earthy reward? Ye seek me . . . because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life (John 6: 26-27). The standard of goodness is its own reward, which is hard to accept and prove.

We think that if we do x, y, and z, then a, b, and c will happily follow. Sometimes the formula works. How do we comport ourselves when it fails? Do we stop working when our formulas don’t work the way we want them to?

Photograph: Double Trinity with Saint Augustine and Saint Catherine of Siena. Retrieved June 13, 2015, from,%20Peru.jpg

Friday, June 5, 2015

Gratitude for Good Things


Young family: father, mother, daughter, son.

Writing is the thing. It’s always there and I always learn something from it. I always get pleasure and comfort from writing. I’m not always able to do it. Sometimes I’m too sick and tired to do it. But, it’s always there waiting for me to return and pick up where I left off, or dart off in some new direction, an artistic experiment. I’m a silly man. Too bad. Wasted, overlooked talent. Wasted life and love. I have not known the right way to live. I have not known how best to live. Christian Science has been a big help to me. Practical. Powerful. Spiritual. The little I have accomplished has been helped by Christian Science. Thank you. Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Mrs. Eddy. Thank you, Church of Christ, Scientist. Thank you, Mother Church. Thank you, Principia College. Thank you, Mr. Harper. Thank you, class instruction. Thank you, Christian Science Association. Thank you, King James Bible. Thank you, Science and Health. Thank you, Episcopal Church. Thank you, Christian confirmation. Thank you, Book of Common Prayer. Thank you, Church of Scotland. Thank you, baptism. Thank you, prayer. Thank you, loving parents. Thank you, parents who want and try to do well. Thank you, parents who do more than they have to. Thank you strong and loving sister. Thank you, Bonnie. Thank you, all friends past and present. Thank you for kindness. Thank you for affection. Thank you for companionship.

I know that love or romance is a long shot for me. It always has been. I don’t know why. I’m missing something that other people have, or I want something that other people don’t. I love children, but I’m not fond of all the mundane details attached to child-rearing and family life. It has always seemed highly overrated to me. People lose themselves in family and avoid life’s broader implications. I have never been seduced by the traditional family unit. It is functional, practical, cultural, profound, and highly successful for a lot of people. The traditional family unit works for most people. Families work. They even work for outliers like I. Even those of us who reject conventional family life and roles in adulthood, continue to love and participate in the family that raised us. We don’t adopt its model, but we don’t repudiate it either. I don’t yearn to be a father or a husband. I do yearn to be loved by someone. I yearn for a romantic, intimate relationship with another person, but I’m not enamored of the conventional family lifestyle. I don’t want to be confined or defined by social convention. I’ve got things to do, and I don’t want the obligations of family life to interfere with them. I don’t want to pretend to love someone and support a family for the sake of conforming, fitting in, and being accepted by others. I don’t want to be socially acceptable. I want to be happy.

Photo: ©2015 Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries. Retrieved June 5, 2015, from

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Walk in the Woods


I’ve spent so much of my life having sexual feelings and not acting on them. It would be nice to act on my sexual desires. It would be nice to have sex with other guys. I don’t even know how to do it anymore. I don’t know how to make sexual connections that are right for me. I’d like to go for a walk in the Audubon and have sex with a guy that I meet in the woods. I’d like to go to a secluded spot and have sex with a guy who’s walking in the woods. Greeting, connecting, having sex in a secluded spot.

I’m an immoral man. I’ve always been an immoral man because I’m a homosexual. How can one be homosexual without being considered immoral? Isn’t that the way it works? Of course, the great movement away from religious values to humanistic values says that it’s good, even normal, to be homosexual. The liberal culture of niceness says that society has to embrace and be nice to homosexuals. So, you’ve got to be nice to me. That's different from what I grew up with. In my generation, one of the worst things you could do was to identify yourself as homosexual. Even indulging in homosexual sex was not as bad as openly identifying yourself as homosexual. Gay sex was OK as long as you kept it private and did what society expected of you as a straight man—make money, date women, get married, have children. I’ve seen guys who were blatant about their homosexuality, but they got away with it because they conformed to society’s heterosexual requirements.

I was never a political homo. I never cared that much about politics. However, I did care about having sex with other guys. I wanted to have sex with guys that I liked. Which brings up a whole other kettle of fish. Just because a guy is bi or homosexual doesn’t mean that he’s going to want to have sex with me, or I with him. The sexual encounter has to do with other things than shared sexual preference. That some guy and I both like having sex with guys might be a starting point for the possibility that we might have sex together. But, there are a lot of other things that go into making the match, even for casual or anonymous sex. I’m not going to have anonymous sex with any old guy.

I’m an immoral man. I like having sex with men, and they like having sex with me. I'm looking for ways to meet guys I like for sex. There’s more to me than that, there’s more to my life than that, but my desire for sex with men is a powerful aspect of my personality.

Photo;  Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. SPPO0059. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Hope That Is In Me


People talking in the forest.

There is a point in your youth when you learn that you want sexually, and what you want sexually. Then you go on to live your desire for the rest of your life. You go on to live your sexuality for the rest of your life. How important is it? How important is sex? What difference does it make?

If I did not believe that sex impacts relationships, I don’t think that I would continue to do it. If I thought that sex were an isolated, self-referential characteristic, I don’t think it would have as much power as it does. Sex means something, and one can spend a lifetime trying to figure it out. I have spent a lifetime learning the meaning of sex for me, and I still don’t understand it fully. Sex is the great social and psychological shell game. Does anyone really understand it, or is it just something that we do? God bless the people who just do it. It’s a curse to have to think about sex. Society places the burden on some of us to think about it. Society demands that some of us account for our sexuality. It’s not enough that one is simply sexual and follows one’s instincts. Society wants an explanation, a reason for the sex that is in you.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

My Ardent Attraction


Couple beside a river  -  early 20th Century
Everywhere I look, everywhere I go, I see beautiful boys and men. I use the word boy loosely. For me, at sixty years old, anyone under thirty is a boy. I’m not really into the perverted pederasty thing. Young men would be a more appropriate description of the males that pique my interest of late. The boy at Country Fare—pretty white skin; young and playful. Justin Thacher at work—so skinny, small, handsome, earnest, and friendly. The townies for Jesus boy who joins the men at Panera for prayer and moral probity—skinny, handsome, pretty eyes. Boys have always been curious and kind to me. We click and I don’t know why. It’s not even necessarily a sexual thing. In fact, I have always found earnest heterosexual boys drawn to me for something or other. Spirituality. Camaraderie. Fellow-feeling. I have a thing for Justin, but I’ll keep it under wraps because I don’t want to make him or me uncomfortable. Justin seems like girlfriend material. He's a good boy who only thinks about clean, healthy sex. He wants a wife and babies to devote himself and his endeavors to. Not like me, who has always lived primarily for himself and his own comfort.

When sex has always been a powerful aspect of your life, you think about its place as the senior years approach. I have not been kind to myself with regard to sex, not as kind as I could have been. Maybe I just didn’t understand enough about myself, other people, the world. Maybe I didn’t understand enough about sex, friendship, romance, marriage, religion, or spirituality. Maybe I have never understood enough about anything in this tired, old world. I feel more useless and irrelevant with every passing year, and I don’t even know how to live anymore.

Does one ever get too old for sex? Old. Fat. Ugly. Sick. Repulsive. Fat people like sex too. Fat people of all ages like sex. Just go to Chaturbate and see. Is sex only for the beautiful boys? Can fat boys and old men enjoy it too? What about religious people? Are they allowed to enjoy sex? Are they allowed to have sexual relationships? Am I allowed to have sex with my friends, or to make friends with the guys I have sex with? Is it right or fair to require that marriage be the primary criteria for sex? I’m not claiming that all sex is moral. That’s not the point. I’m not really even talking morality here. I’m talking sexuality. We can talk morality if you want. But, right here, right now, I’m talking sex.

What happened to me? How did I get here like this? It’s like my life has been taken out of my control. I am simply a bystander, a helpless witness to the progression of my own sad, little life. I am a religious man. I am a sexual man. I am a homosexual. I like having sex with men. I like thinking about having sex with men. I look at men from a sexual perspective. I always have; it’s nothing new for me, and I have been fully self-aware of it. I have known all along what I am sexually. I chose not to talk about it. I chose to keep it private. I didn’t want to confess it or discuss it with friends and family. Why should I? What would it achieve? What would it get me? The only good, compelling reason to talk about your sexuality with someone is if you want to have sex with him. Otherwise, keep it to yourself. It’s nobody’s business. In most cases, no one wants or needs to know.

What was I thinking? What was I thinking as a young man who embraced religion and spirituality? How did I reconcile my spiritual aspiration with my homosexuality? I told myself early on that I couldn’t just give up sex. I knew that I was temperamentally incapable of abstaining from sex. What made me think that I could blend my sexuality with spirituality? What right did I have to presume that sex and spirituality could be reconciled in me? Maybe that’s the point, that they can’t be reconciled, which is a recipe for failure and disappointment. Maybe I recklessly ruined my life by serving two masters and dividing my loyalties. I was never good or pure enough to be a religious, and never depraved and salacious enough to be a libertine. I straddled the fence and paid the price.

I told myself that, regardless of religion, I was amenable to sexual friendship if I found it. I was amenable to homosexuality if it came to me by way of friendship. I made friendship and human affection my criteria for sex. How did that work out for ya? Let’s just say it didn’t work out well at all. It didn’t work at all. I don’t think my noble compromise helped with friendship, sex, or religion. I’m not sure what would have been the right approach, but placing the burden of sexuality on friendship was unfair to my friends and disappointing to me. Don’t forget that sexuality is just a part of the whole context of human relationships, most of which are platonic. Most of our relationships and friendships in life are asexual.

I think I have learned that sex has to be approached on its own terms. Sex has to be approached as sex. Friendship might be a consequence of sexual activity and adventure, but it isn’t guaranteed. I can’t speak from experience because I haven’t allowed myself much of it. I don’t know with confidence what the consequences of human sexuality are, because I haven’t done it enough. To burden sex with the qualification of friendship is frustrating and narrow. To think that you have to make friends with a guy before having sex with him places a heavy burden on human sexuality. It may be that every sexual encounter can be friendly, but who am I to say. I have lived most of my life as a sexually naïve, ignorant, immature man. But, I like to think that friendship can be a consequence of sex.

Photo:  Courtesy of Miss Magnolia Thunderpussy.  ©2007-2015  Ipernity.  Retrieved May 23, 2015, from

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Lonely Room


A young guy alone in his room.Is it bad to think about sex? I think about it a lot. I think about it every day. I think about handsome men and boys. I look at pictures and videos of handsome men and boys. I admire the attractive men I see as I go about my business every day. I have always thought sexually about men, and I suspect that I always will. Is that a bad thing? Am I a bad person for loving men and boys? Am I a bad person for wanting to have sex with attractive men and boys? I like to watch guys masturbate on cam. I go to a site called Chaturbate where men and boys masturbate on cam for anyone who wants to watch. Now, that’s a very sexy thing. All kinds of guys. All flavors of masturbation and so-called sexual preference. But, out in the open for all to see.

I enjoy masturbation, but I don’t have much time for it. I’m getting kind of old to spend a lot of time jerking off. It’s tiring and time-consuming like my father told me when I was a boy. He was right about that. I can’t afford to wear myself out. I can’t afford to waste time. I don’t want to waste time. I want to do good things. I want to make the most out of life, and I don’t think spending a lot of time cooped up in a room, fantasizing about sex with men and masturbating, is efficient or healthy. Don’t get me wrong, I like to jerk off, but everything in moderation. I don’t want to overdo it and I don’t want it to detract from more important things. That’s always been a thing for me: Don’t make sex more important than it is or has to be. Think about and pursue other things. Have other interests that you can share with the men you like to have sex with. Be a whole man. Healthy, happy, sexy, and free.

Photo:  ©2001-2009  HAAP Media Ltd.  Retrieved May 21, 2015, from

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

On the Edge


Man holds on at the edge of an abyss.

Crying in the wilderness. Crying on the edge of the abyss. Disaster. None of us is immune. None of us is too good to suffer. And in this miserable world, all I have left is to come here and speak my mind. The world, my life, is slowly, inexorably falling apart, but I still have the power, sometimes, to come here and have my say. It’s a good thing. It may be the last good thing. It’s not unusual to be alone and lonely. It’s the human condition. It’s not unusual to be left alone. I don’t come here because I have an audience. I am my own audience. I’m performing to an empty hall. And that’s OK. I can live with that. It doesn’t diminish my desire to write and my enjoyment of it. As time goes on, I may find that I am not able to write. I might not be well enough to write. But, I have faith in writing and I will keep on doing it as long as I can.

It is a dreadful thing to work for nothing. It is a dreadful thing to try to improve oneself without reward. It is startling and incomprehensible that earnest endeavor fails. We don’t understand it. It doesn’t seem right. That’s not the way things are supposed to work, we believe from our human perspective. We want the world to be fair. We want life to be fair.

I don’t have a problem with the homosexual thing. I don’t have a problem with being homosexual. Who cares? Who ever cared? My thing has always been that I don’t really have time for it. There’s other things I want to do with my time and energy than to track down guys for sex. And, I don’t want to conduct tortured, emotional negotiations for it. I’m a homosexual. If it’s convenient for me to have sex with a guy I like, I’ll do it. That’s my sexual morality. I also have satisfying, compelling, platonic relationships with men and women. My life is not driven or dominated by sexual desire. It never has been.

Sex has been a powerful aspect of my life. I would like to have more time for it. I'd like to have more leisure time. But, I’m just struggling to survive here. I’m just struggling to keep it going here. I’m trying to avoid falling over the edge and being eternally lost. I don’t have much time for sex and don’t know if I ever will. What a life. I don’t get it. I don’t know what it is that I’m supposed to get, but whatever it is eludes me.

Photograph:  DNY59 | Vetta | Gerry Images  ©2015  CNBC LLC.  All rights reserved.  Retrieved May 12, 2015, from

Friday, May 8, 2015

Big Galumphing Boys


Five male athletes posing for an old school picture.

Big, galumphing Phil Gaudet. I like Phil. He kind of reminds me of Paul Ryan. He’s not athletic like Paul, but he has the height and the boyish, soft-spoken charm. I’d like to have a roll in the hay with Phil. Is he gay? Does he know he’s gay? I wonder if he dates women? How about men? I’d like to date him and play with his pee pee. You can’t always tell, but I’m guessing Phil has a big weaner. I’m guessing Phil is the kind of guy I’d want to lie next to in bed and have my way with his big dong. Phil might make a very pleasant bed mate, and I’d like to find out. One of these days, one of us will have to give in and ask the other for a date. One of those guy things: Hey buddy, wanna have a drink after work? Hey buddy, wanna meet me for dinner at Sam Diego’s? And, by the way, that’s a lovely big weaner you got there in them pants. Can I touch it? Mind if I stroke it up and down until you cum all over my hand? Yeah, you can touch mine too. Jack me off in the parking lot of Sam Diego’s.

It’s come to this. I’m a horny old guy who spent most of his life trying to take the high road. And, now I’m wondering why I tried so hard and wishing that I hadn’t. Why did I waste my time? Who did I do it for? Just for me? It wasn’t worth the effort. I made my own choices, as we are wont to do, the good ones and the bad ones, even if only to choose to let others choose for us. Popular, post-modern culture abdicates responsibility and self-determination to be ruled by ambitious others.  I chose to rule myself with an iron will and bear the disappointment of a lonely soul.

Photograph is ©2014  Black Hills State University.  All rights reserved.  Retrieved May 8, 2015, from

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Survival and Celebration


Puritan preaches to his brethren outside the tavern on a snowy day.

Sometimes disaster just takes over. Sometimes disaster wins, and all you can do is rest in Soul until the debacle passes. Wouldn’t it be nice to arrange life for maximum comfort and enjoyment? We like to think that we can. We like to think that, if we dot our i’s and cross out t’s, everything in life will be fine, or at least manageable. We like to think that life can’t just come crashing down around our ears, but of course it can. Obey the rules and fulfill your obligations and everything in life will be fine, until it isn’t. Sometimes the best response to disaster is to wait. Wait in Love. Wait in Soul. Pray. Worship. Abide. Do the best you can while you can. Don’t be crushed by your limitations. Don’t be demoralized by your helplessness. Let the logic of events and personalities play out. Life doesn’t always make sense. The poor mortal can’t always figure things out, but he goes on living anyway.

I don’t know whether I’ve made a mess of my life or not. It certainly hasn’t turned out the way I thought it would. I’ve just gone along and done the best I could, lived by my own lights. I’ve offended people I loved and lost them. But, I know the folly of trying to redeem the past. The past is past. You remember it, but you have to let it go, and there may be things about it that you will never understand.

I wish that I had been bolder and more sexually involved and aggressive as a young man. I would have had more fun. I would have been a better friend. I would have had better friends. Maybe it was the time. Things are so different now, and not necessarily better. Things are crazy now. Things we used to torture ourselves with don’t even send a ripple over the surface of today’s collective consciousness. We shackled ourselves with propriety, remorse, guilt, fear. We worried about the impression we made on others. We worried about offending them and alienating ourselves. I worried about offending God and contravening my own standards for living. I gave sex short shrift. If I could have eliminated it from my life, I would have. But, here I am, sixty years old and still sexual. I didn’t have to over-indulge sex. I didn’t have to be a sexual suicide. But, I could have enjoyed it more.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let's Be Friends


The men meet to pray at Panera. All kinds of men, young and old and in-between. One handsome boy. Too handsome to be too good. I know how that works. I see them there. I go to stuff my face. I go to get going for the day. They don’t notice me; they’re too busy praying. They’re too busy asking God to forgive them their trespasses. I’m too busy stuffing my face with bacon soufflé. I pray. I pray a lot. I pray all the time. I don’t so much pray to be forgiven as I do for help to get through the day. I’m kind of old and fat and tired to do much damage anymore. I’m just looking for help to get through the day.

As physically repulsive as I am, I still like to masturbate. I could have made a career out of masturbation if anyone had let me, or if I had pursued it hard enough. That was my problem: I never pursued anything hard enough. I spent my whole life waiting for things to fall in my lap. I spent my whole life waiting for good stuff to come to me, instead of going out to get it. I was too vain, timid, or stupid to take care of myself. I didn’t have the courage to get what I wanted. I was a coward. I was shy. I was deluded. I was stupid. Ignorant. Lazy. Over-confident.

The funny thing is that everyone masturbates now. We are a culture of masturbators. Proud masturbators, whatever the hell that means. I mean, I like to masturbate as much as the next guy, but I don’t know that I’m particularly proud of it. Isn’t there a shade of difference between enjoying it and being proud of it? I enjoy eating ice cream, but I’m not proud of eating ice cream. It’s just something that I do. I love the guys who fantasize about sex with girls while they masturbate with each other. What’s that all about? Maybe it’s that the fantasy of sex with girls and the reality of sex with guys is better than the reality of sex with girls. Guys jerking off together is more fun and more readily available than having sex with girls. With guys, the sex is the relationship. With girls, the sex requires a relationship.

Am I a fucking expert on anything? Do I need to be? My experience is my expertise. Men want to succeed at relationships with women. It’s a rite of passage. It’s one of life’s fundamental challenges. It’s a basic part of the adventure of living as a man. Learning how to get along with women. Learning how to make female friends. Sexual pleasure. Sexual enjoyment. Fantasy. Reality. Desire. Homosexuality. Same-sex attraction.

Why do I prefer sex with guys? Why is sex with guys so comfortable and easy for me? What does sexual involvement have to do with friendship? Who needs friends, as long as there are guys to jerk off with? It’s better to have sex with guys because you don’t have to worry about hurting their feelings. The better the sex with a girl, the more likely you are to hurt her feelings. Sex with girls draws guys into relationships that they don’t want. Sex yes, romance no. It’s the difference in the relationships that guys have with each other versus the relationships that men have with women. Some guys don’t want an intense relationship with anyone of either sex. Intense relationships are not their thing. Intensity is not their thing. The intense relationship of a man with a woman is marriage. The intense relationship of a guy with his buddy is casual, uninhibited sex. Relationships between men and women are complex. The relationship of a guy to his buddy is simple, physical, and intense.

Photo is © 2015  All rights reserved.  Retrieved May 2, 2015, from

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Art of Writing


Portrait of Sir Galahad by George Frederic Watts
I might be on my way out. I might be on my way down. I am not sufficient for this. But, I want to write, or endeavor to write, on the way. Writing is my front line. I pray all the time, but to write
is to grapple hand-to-hand and face-to-face with the evil in myself and others. Writing is my last gasp, my last opportunity, to live well and fully in the world. The world may well crush the life out of me. Why not? I’m not immune. I’m not special. I used to think that I was, but now I’m just trying to survive in a brutal, indifferent world. I pray all the time and I take time to pray with greater passion and specificity when needed. Sometimes, I want and need to connect with the tradition, worship, and community of Christian devotion. Sometimes, I want to feel connected to something human and divine. Sometimes, I want to transcend all temporality to unite with the spiritual sense of being.

Prayer and writing are closely linked in my thought and experience. Writing can be a kind of working out of the hopes, fears, beliefs, and ideas that occupy thought in prayer. Writing waits on and expresses prayer. It is prayer’s handmaiden. It is struggle and culmination, conflict and resolution. It is the human expression of metaphysical forces. Process and realization. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6: 12). What thou seest, write it in a book (Revelation 1: 11). Writing can be both the means by which one “wrestles against principalities,” and the record of that struggle.

Sir Galahad, by George Frederick Watts, retrieved March 24, 2015, from

Monday, March 23, 2015

Man Crush


Two handsome men making friends.

The sweetness of Brother Jacob. The sweetness of a boy who likes me. It doesn’t always have to be sexual. It isn’t always sexual. It can be a romantic, emotional crush. Boys don’t always want sex and I don’t insist on it. So much of the sweetness of life would be lost if one always insisted on a sexual denouement in relationships. I want to be available for sex, but I don’t want to be insistent about it.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Beehive Ardor


Illustration of a woven beehive in a natural setting.
I’m a homosexual. What am I looking for in the world, or in life? What do I want? I go forth every day, for what? What is my purpose? Do I have a purpose? Do I need to have a purpose, or can I just go along and live until it’s over? That may be what I will do whether I like it or not: Just eke out my poor, little life until it’s over. Nothing special. Nothing remarkable. Just me, here and now, like billions of others, getting by.

I go forth every day. Am I looking for a man or a woman? Am I looking for a friend or a lover? Am I looking for success? What do I want? I don’t know that I’m looking for anything in this sorry old world. The longer I live, the less I want or expect or hope for.

I love men. I love women too, but not the same way I love men. I love men and they have returned my affection all my life. Men love me too. In a sense, I have gone out all my life looking for a man to love. I have gone out every day, all my life, looking for a man to love. I go out every day looking for sex, looking to make a serious sexual connection. Isn’t that awful! Isn’t that supposed to be awful? Why don’t I want to do it with women? Why don’t I do it with women? Why do I want so much to do it with men? And, does it matter which sex I want to do it with? I want to do it. I want to make a passionate, sexual connection with another man.

Our lives are full of stories. All of us, every one of us poor mortals, are made up of the stories we tell about ourselves and our lives. Stories. Every one meaningful and important to the one who tells it and the one who listens to it. Billions of people with billions of stories. O, to be heard in that hive of words and declamations. O, to be heard, loved, connected, included, and involved. O, to be remembered and longed for, blessed and stimulated.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Google Wars


Communist propaganda portrait of Lenin.

Did Google get religion on February 23, 2015, and lose it on February 27, 2015? Was there a palace coup with reactionary moralists pitted against progressive post-modernists? Whatever, the post-modernists won. They’re all likely in the same political camp, but cultural and personal distinctions appear in most organizations. Google apparatchiks might object to pornography and having their company associated with it. However, as good liberals, they cannot bring themselves to deny sexual deviants the right to express their identities. As a liberal entity, Google has a moral obligation to give marginal people, including sexual deviants, a platform for self-expression.

We may never know the whole story behind Google’s near ban of sexually explicit blogs. There may have been compelling, corporate reasons for cleaning up Blogger’s act. But, writers should heed the warning that their freedom of expression at Google is a political reflex, and not a sign of support for their content.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

God Bless the Child


Portrait of Billie Holiday looking beautiful and happy.Overcoming poverty is an act of war, not justice. It’s not waiting around for some asshole to come along and make everything right for you. Nobody cares that much about you and your lot in life. Believe me, nobody cares that much. And, if they say they do, they’re lying. It doesn't have to be poverty either. It doesn't have to be a state of total devastation that you want to lift yourself out of. Maybe you just want a better life. Who doesn't? Who doesn't want a better job, more money, better living conditions, leisure time, love?

Justice isn't something you get from the government or other people. Justice is a sense of self-validation. It is a sense of being right with the world. God bless the child that’s got his own. Them that’s got shall get, them that’s not shall lose; so the Bible says and it still is true. Justice isn't something that the world gives you, it’s something that you take and make your own. The world would gladly take away your joy and squeeze the life out of you, but you got to fight back. You got to slip in a few moments here and there that are all yours, regardless of what the world is throwing at you. The world doesn't cater to the likes of me, and I’m not saying that it should. But, I’m here and I count for something, and I want to leave my mark before I go. I want to have my say. I want to be myself fully and finally. Justice is when I stake my claim to life and make it happen against all odds.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Google It


I’m disappointed that I won’t have the freedom to express my sexual interests the way I want to in my sex blog on Google. I will have to concentrate on the writing and use images that are aesthetic rather pornographic in their impact. It might be a good thing. It might make me write better. Maybe my blog will be better because of the restriction, but I will miss the freedom of expression. As I understand it, I will still be able to write frankly and explicitly about sex. I don’t think Google is interested in extreme censorship of the writing. I don’t think they object to the literary exploration and examination of sex in personal experience. It’s the pornographic images and advertisements with links to hard core porn sites that Google objects to. It’s the promotion and commercialization of tawdry, extreme, and debauched sex that Google wants to eschew. It’s the sex trade, corporate exploitation of human sexuality, that offends Google, and I can’t fault them for that stand. It is the personal, human aspect of sex that interests me.

It’s always something, isn't it? What the fuck is “net neutrality”? Another political abomination? Who made that up and what does it mean? Ultimately, I don’t care. I’m going to keep saying what I have to say and finding a way to get it out there. I’m going to keep writing and attempting to publish what I write. And, I expect to keep exploring and writing aesthetically and explicitly about my sexuality.

Photo by Geoffrey Fairchild, 2010, under a CC License.  Retrieved February 25, 2015, from

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sex at Home


handsome guys running barefoot through a green field

I want my home to be a comfortable place for sex with the guys I like. I want to have sex with guys in my home. There’s a lot of things I’d like my home to be, but a comfortable place for sex with guys is one of them. Clean. Neat. Comfortable. Pleasant. I want my home to be a place where guys want to come to get naked and masturbate. I want guys to come over to my house, get naked, make out, masturbate, and lie in bed with me. I want masturbation buddies to visit with me in my home. I want to have sex with friends, and I want to make friends with the guys I have sex with. I want guys to feel like they can hang out in my home and enjoy having sex with me. I want to like the guys I have sex with, and I want to have sex with guys that I like.

Friendship is great. What else is there in life? Isn’t it what we live for? Isn’t it how we live? Family and friendship. Sex isn’t everything to me, and it’s not the most important thing. I don’t want to have sex with everyone. Sex is not a condition for friendship or relationship; it’s a possibility. Love isn’t defined or confined by sex. Affection may be a consequence of sex. How can I not feel warmth for a guy with whom I have kissed and touched and shared intense physical pleasure? I have male friends and colleagues for whom I feel no sexual attraction or interest. Affection and fellow feeling persist in the absence of sex. But, what point is there in having sex without affection and personal interest? Why bother with sex if you’re not going to make it personal?

I love sex with men. I enjoy sex with men. It’s a great thrill and an adventure. I never did develop the same interest and enthusiasm for women. I don’t know why. I don’t feel like I have to figure it out. If I thought sex were more important, I’d probably want to figure it out. But, it’s not as important to me as other things are.

Photo by Smallz+Raskind. ©2012 Whalefilm. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sexual Maturity


An image of Popeye holding a can of spinach.

The responsibilities of adulthood, the responsibilities of life, can be overwhelming and I don’t give myself good grades for keeping up with them. Unfortunately, my adult accomplishments have been mediocre, but it hasn’t been for want of trying. Mediocrity is especially disappointing when one has tried hard to excel. Life periodically forces us to reassess who we are and what we can expect to accomplish in light of our limitations.

I don’t masturbate as much as I used to. I don’t have as much energy as I used to, and adulthood demands a disbursement of energy and attention away from personal pleasure to the responsibilities of family, friendship, employment, and housekeeping. But, I still enjoy masturbation at sixty years old. You’d think maybe that I would have had enough by now. Maybe I should have outgrown it by now. I’m a big boy, grown man, mature adult. There are better things I could do with my time than jerk off, but that doesn’t stop me from doing it. It feels good, and makes me feel close to the guys I like, just like it did when I was an eleven year old boy in Charleston, South Carolina.

Popeye illustration retrieved January 25, 2015, from

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Valentine


A handsome young man with his pretty girlfriend.

Let me be clear. I like handsome, horny guys with big dicks. I’m not looking to get married. I’m not looking to spend the rest of my life with one guy. I’m looking for hot, friendly guys to have sex with. Friendship, yes. Marriage, no. Fun, yum.

I’m not looking for love. Friendship is good enough. Why would I want to marry a guy? If I wanted children, I’d marry a pretty girl and do it the old-fashioned way. Why would I want to raise adopted children with some dopey guy with a big dick, when I can have my own biological children with a sweet, pretty girl? There’s no fucking comparison, and no advantage to trying to replicate a real biological family with a phony political one. There’s something wrong with homosexual men raising children together to make a political point. It’s about the politics, not the children. Gay marriage and marriage equality are flaccid, political concepts.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Let's Be Friends


Two guys greeting each other with friendly gestures.
If you like-a me, like I like-a you
And we like-a both the same
I like-a say this very day
I like-a change your name
'Cause I love-a you and love-a you true
And if you-a love-a me
One live as two, two live as one
Under the bamboo tree
(Bob Cole, J. Rosamond Johnson, 1901, Under the Bamboo Tree)

Friends photo. ©2015 Random Sparkles. All rights reserved. Retrieved January 19, 2015, from

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nobody Likes Me


Man with angry expression.

I don’t mind not being liked. I have been not liked by a lot of people. I’m sixty years old and I’ve lived and worked in a lot of different places, so my opportunities for rubbing people the wrong way have been many and varied. Some people don’t like the way I talk, look, eat, walk, or think. Some people think I’m too old, fat, abrupt, or ambiguous. Some people think I’m too sexual. They project a sexual suggestiveness onto me that I am not consciously expressing. Some people think I’m not sexual enough because they don’t get what they want from me. You name it, and there’ll be somebody out there who doesn’t like it. It isn’t just me. In a lifetime we all come in for our share of disapproval from others. Some of us might get more of it than others, but we all get it. That’s life. That’s part of being human.

I can live with not being liked, but it can make things more difficult. I try to keep a low profile, so as to annoy as few people as possible. It’s easier to get through the day when the people you deal with aren’t mad at you, or resentful of you. Your time on the planet will be better if you make more friends than enemies. They might not make you a saint, but they might let you live in peace and enjoy your little footprint while it lasts.

A toxic workplace can be especially challenging to navigate through. It makes working relationships miserable and threatens your livelihood. My employer has evolved a workplace culture concerned primarily with dividing the spoils of financial calculation among a new clique of administrators, than it is with cultivating a qualified, productive workforce and serving the public. Faithful, longtime employees are routinely exploited, ignored, or bullied to comply with hair-brained schemes that have more to do with self-aggrandizement than efficiency, economy, or good personnel management. How do novice administrators with suspect qualifications and mediocre records of performance get control over the budgets and personnel of a large organization? Who allows that to happen? Who makes that happen?

Sometimes I worry about my future. How long will I be allowed to last with my current employer? I’ve been there for nineteen years, but I don’t belong to a clique. I am at the mercy of people I don’t like or respect. It wasn’t always that way, but things have changed. Sometimes I think, just let me stay long enough to retire with my pension. Other times I think, I just want to get the hell out of here; I’ve had it with this place and these people. What will I do next? Do I want to maximize my pension? Will I be retained long enough to maximize it? Will I be able to live on my pension? If I have to get another job, what will I do? How will I market myself in the future? What does the future hold for me?

I don’t know much, but I do know this: Christian Science has taught me that substance is Spirit, and Spirit is the source of supply. I like reading the Lesson, and it does me good. I have experienced the power of prayer, and I pray daily. I am a writer, and however my livelihood is manifested in the future, I will continue to write and enjoy it.

Angry Man Photo.  ©2003-2015  Conjecture Corporation.  Retrieved January 18, 2015, from

Keeping Track


Blonde boy with bangs.

I've got a crush on the boy at the Mashpee rotary Mobil Station. Handsome boy with long, dark blonde hair draped across his forehead. Nice boy. Polite boy. Friendly boy. I go in every now and then to buy five bucks worth of gas for the car I keep in my driveway at home. I don’t want to fill it up because I don’t use the car that much. I take it for a spin a couple of times a week to keep it running. Now I want to make this boy part of my routine. I think about him and wonder if he’ll be there when I go to get my gas ration. He’s the best part of that little trip. One more beautiful boy in my life to keep track of.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Come Here Often?


Two guys, one with arm thrown over the other's shoulder.

It isn’t easy to meet men for sex in polite society. Or, it hasn’t been easy for me to meet them. I’ve heard other guys’ stories about how they’ve met men in social situations and ended up having sex with them. I’ve watched it happen between married guys who work together. No problem. Some of these encounters turn into ongoing, clandestine relationships. Bing, bang, boom! Married guys love fucking each other. It’s so convenient and cozy. They make it look easy. Easy to get the sex and fool their friends and colleagues that they’re just regular guys. It’s always annoyed me that married guys have more gay sex than I do.

On one hand, we want to civilize sex. That’s what marriage does. Marriage makes people do right by the men and women they have sex with. On the other hand, good manners is not the kind of behavior we associate with good sex. Sex is rude and aggressive, though usually discreet and private. How do we get from good manners to sexual excitement? Sex takes liberties, which is part of its thrill. If it were all good manners we’d never get around to it, we’d never get it done. That’s why men do things like having sex under a bathroom stall at Home Depot or the mall. It’s the perfect place to shed your inhibitions, grab a big dick, jack it off, and shoot a big load all over the floor. The perfect place to be anonymous, rude, and sexual. Men meet in a place where it’s mutually understood that casual sex is the goal. Sex with a stranger in a public place is the best sex that some guys have, including married guys. It’s pleasant to move, work, and play in polite society, but most of us want sexual excitement too, and we get it where we find it.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Out in the Cold


Hobo in a rail car.

Compatibility is a big deal. It’s bigger than I thought it was. It’s the way of the world. Ultimately, it’s bigger than knowledge, skill, aptitude, and experience. We tend to think and say that it should not be, but it is. We profess our approval of merit, then turn around and hire the guy we like rather than the guy who is best qualified to do the job. We perform the mental trick of believing that the guy we like is best qualified, regardless of evidence to the contrary. People want to be with people similar to themselves. It’s human nature. We see it all the time. We see it all around us. Is it a bad thing? Not for those who benefit from social familiarity and acceptance. It might be bad for those who get left out, and someone always gets left out. It’s no fun to be left out. We all want to belong somewhere, but we don’t all succeed at finding a group or a place to belong to. We don’t all get accepted by a secure social arrangement. We don’t all get to be in with the in-crowd. And, those of us who are left out just have to do the best we can. Poor schlubs!

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Other Closet


Men like having sex together. I guess there are women who like having sex together too, but I don’t care about that. I only care about man sex. Sex between men. Men masturbating together. Men masturbating each other and enjoying each other. Men connecting and enjoying contact with each other. Masturbation. Making out. Cock sucking.

I like the idea of men bonding with each other through sex. Sex enhancing friendship. Sex as a way to make friends. Making friends through sex. It happens all the time, and it has happened for all time. Whether or not to enshrine homosexuality as a cultural phenomenon, an institution, is an issue. Whether to honor homosexual activity and the friendships that evolve from it is an issue that society has struggled with for several recent decades. Homosexual acts and associations tend historically to be secret, disguised, dishonest. Tradition, religion, culture, and family used to discourage homosexual acts and relationships. It appears now, in our post-modern culture, that society and its institutions embrace, defend, and promote a kind of homosexual presence and sub-culture. Homosexuality is still the other, but it is now the precious, acceptable other. It has been relegated to the storehouse of humane, liberal causes. Homosexuals have become just one more group to feel sorry for. Homosexuals came out of their own traditional, historical closet only to be ushered into the crowded closet of liberal special interests. Society, though more benign, is still playing games with homosexual men and women. Homosexuality is OK in the post-modern millennium, as long as it conforms to liberal biases and expectations.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Mess


I am sorry that I’m such a mess. I wish I had more control over my life, but I haven’t been very good at mastering my fate. Spirituality. Christian Science. Art. Writing. Sex. Homosexuality. Masturbation. Land surveying. Mapping. Drafting. Autocad. ArcGIS. Penn State. MGIS. Master of Geographic Information Systems. David DiBiase. Jim Sloan. Karen Schuckman. Patrick Kennelly. Anthony Robinson. ESRI. Life is full of good and interesting things. It can be difficult to choose just a few to concentrate on, but we have to. We have to make good, practical choices for ourselves and our loved ones. We have to learn how to move things along in life. Progress. Accomplishment. Success.

I’m so grateful for the experience of earning my master’s degree at Penn State. I loved it. I worked hard at it. I enjoyed it. I did well. I did better than I thought I would. It filled my life with meaning and purpose, valuable knowledge, information, and experience. Now that it’s done, I don’t really know what to do with it. I don’t have to do anything with it. I did it. In a sense, it’s over and I have moved on to other things in my life. My life has moved on. Why do I have to do anything with it? It’s done.

Spirituality. Writing. Sex. Home. Yarmouth. There’s a lot of things I don’t understand and will never understand. I can’t understand everything. I think through what I can and do my best to function in the world on the little that I know. There isn’t just one thing in life. Life is a patchwork quilt, an amalgamation of things. Poor mortals do a balancing act with life, to get through it. There isn't just one thing. There may be a hierarchy of things, and mastery comes from figuring out what the harmonious, optimum arrangement of those things is. But, it can take a lifetime to figure things out. Life is almost over by the time we plumb its depths and figure it out. So, we do the best we can in thought, word, and deed to live our poor, little lives and enjoy them.

I am a homosexual for better or worse, I’m still not sure which. All I know is that I have had a sexual interest in other guys since I first learned about sex. And, I first learned about sex from boys my own age. That’s how sex started for me. If it had started differently, maybe my sexuality would have developed differently. I will never know. All I know is that I’ve always liked guys sexually and I still do. My sexual attraction to other guys has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life. That’s got to be one of the reasons that I never got married. Marriage would be a lie, or at least a stretch, for me. Why put myself or anyone else through that kind of an elaborate, twisted charade? It has never seemed right or fair to me to abuse marriage that way. Marriage as pretense. Marriage as sex therapy. Marriage as moral obfuscation. Marriage as business and social strategy. I never had any reason to believe that my sexual attraction to other guys would magically disappear if I married a girl, but life could get real complicated real fast if I did. I’d just as soon keep things the way they are. Things are complicated enough as it is without dragging some poor girl into my moral dilemma and making my problem hers.

What is my problem? I never allowed myself to have the fun I wanted with other guys. I fantasized a lot. I hoped a lot. I expected a lot. But, I didn’t do enough to get what I wanted sexually with other guys. I should have been more sexually proactive as a young man. What was I waiting for? Who was I waiting for? A prince in shining armor? The perfect man or woman? The love of my life? The perfect friend? Platonic love? Was I waiting for someone else to make my moral decisions for me? Was I waiting for a man or woman to come along and make things right for me? Unrealistic expectations.