I’m disappointed that I won’t have the freedom to express my sexual interests the way I want to in my sex blog on Google. I will have to concentrate on the writing and use images that are aesthetic rather pornographic in their impact. It might be a good thing. It might make me write better. Maybe my blog will be better because of the restriction, but I will miss the freedom of expression. As I understand it, I will still be able to write frankly and explicitly about sex. I don’t think Google is interested in extreme censorship of the writing. I don’t think they object to the literary exploration and examination of sex in personal experience. It’s the pornographic images and advertisements with links to hard core porn sites that Google objects to. It’s the promotion and commercialization of tawdry, extreme, and debauched sex that Google wants to eschew. It’s the sex trade, corporate exploitation of human sexuality, that offends Google, and I can’t fault them for that stand. It is the personal, human aspect of sex that interests me.
It’s always something, isn't it? What the fuck is “net neutrality”? Another political abomination? Who made that up and what does it mean? Ultimately, I don’t care. I’m going to keep saying what I have to say and finding a way to get it out there. I’m going to keep writing and attempting to publish what I write. And, I expect to keep exploring and writing aesthetically and explicitly about my sexuality.
Photo by Geoffrey Fairchild, 2010, under a CC License. Retrieved February 25, 2015, from