God the Only Cause and Creator:
O Lord, how manifold are thy works! (Psalms 104). . . . Come and see the works of God (Psalms 66).
good--My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest (Exodus 33).
peace--I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears (Psalms 34).
health--To all mankind and in every hour, divine Love supplies all good (Eddy, 1906, p. 494).
immortality--God does not cause man to sin, to be sick, or to die (Eddy, 1906, p. 206).
vastness--In the vast forever, in the Science and truth of being, the only facts are Spirit and its innumerable creations (Eddy, 1906, p. 478).
Eddy, M. B. (1906). Science and health with key to the scriptures. Boston, MA: The Christian Science Board of Directors.
Holy bible (King James version). (n. d.). Boston, MA: The Christian Science Publishing Society.