There’s a lot of things that poor men and women want from life. We get some of those things, but there are a lot of things that we may never get or get enough of. Life can be very stingy about some things. And a lot of times, it doesn’t matter how much you want it, or how hard you work for it, you ain’t gonna get it. That’s just the way it is. And, like it or not, there are things that you won’t get because the world doesn’t take a liking to you. It doesn’t matter how smart, talented, and deserving you think you are, if the world don’t take a liking to you, it’s gonna hold back from giving you the goods. It doesn’t matter how good, faithful, patient, and moral you are, if the world doesn’t like the cut of your jib, it will shortchange you and give the goods to somebody else, who may well be less deserving than you are. Go figure. Be good if you want to, but don’t expect the world to reward you for it.The trick is to figure out how to get the goods whether the world likes me as a person or not. My personality shouldn’t matter. It shouldn’t be an issue. Business is business, and commerce is business. To hell with personality. If I can give you something that you want, and you’re willing to pay me fairly for it, that’s all that matters as far as commerce is concerned. The ultimate source of supply is Spirit, God. Substance is Spirit. But, as long as I have to participate in the world’s business, I want to figure out how to get as much as I can out of it. I want to figure out how to give you something that you want and make you pay for it, regardless of my personality or yours. Let’s keep personality out of it as much as we can, and let’s do business. Thank you very much.
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