Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My Online Scrapbook


Facebook has become a repository for me of things that I like, things that my friends might like, things that I want to share. Not that I contribute a lot to it, but some things are too good to pass up. Pictures, songs, thoughts, and experiences. Stuff that means something to me, but not so personal that it intrudes into the public space and wreaks havoc in other people's lives. If I want to wreak havoc, there are better places to do it than Facebook. I believe in respecting other people's sensibilities. No politics. No proselytizing. No arguments and insults. I don't have a problem with religious themes. I'm not averse to sharing my religious sensibility, but I'm not trying to win souls for Christ. I'm not trying to win souls for anyone.

Facebook is a public square where people meet and interact with each other. As such, there are norms of human behavior which ought to be practiced there. I think it should be a positive experience that improves relationships. I use it to collect images, songs, and words that I like and want to remember. Regardless of how many "likes" and comments I generate with my posts, I often return to my timeline to remind myself of the good things in my life. Facebook has become my online scrapbook, which is convenient to share with my friends.

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