Democrats suck. Lying sacks of shit. Who cares what Democrats have to say about anything? Nothing they say means anything to any sane person. They are the party of the clinically insane. Poseurs. Wolves in sheeps' clothing. Liars, cheats, and scoundrels. All they care about is getting and keeping political power. As time goes on, they have shown a determination to rule our shared culture at any cost, without having to share anything at all. We common folk are expected to be silent, keep our opinions to ourselves, and acquiesce to all their crazy schemes. Why? Because they say so, and they are better than we are. Just ask them. We don't need democracy. We don't need laws. We don't need elections. We don't need civility. We don't need free speech. We don't need freedom. All we need is the Democrats telling us what to do, because they are better than we are.
Now, having suffered a major political defeat, Democrats are threatening violence. They are physically attacking their opponents and disrupting normal government. They can't win, but they intend to make things as difficult and unpleasant for their opponents as possible. Why? Because they have lost their grip and can't get their way. Democrats are shocked that the power to rule over our culture and country has been taken away from them. After all, it is their country--just ask Ashton Kutcher. It is the ultimate entitlement: Democrats believe that they were born to rule, like royalty. Theirs is the divine right of kings, the antithesis of American democracy.
The 63,000,000 of us who voted for Trump simply don't count. Somehow, Hillary's wobbly 2,800,000 popular vote advantage takes precedence over Trump's 63,000,000 votes. In the Democrat mind, 2 percent is greater than 49 percent in what ends up being a specious calculation. It doesn't matter how many more pieces Hillary captures in a game of chess with Trump, if he checkmates her king. Trump wins. That's how the game is played. Any way you look at it, Hillary lost the election. Tough shit.
How should common men, like I, respond to threats of violence and violent acts by Democrats? I am a peaceful man, and I have confidence in the efficacy of spiritual solutions to human problems. I'm not a martial arts expert and I don't own a gun or know how to use one. However, if anyone were to attack me, I would do my best to kill or disable him before he could kill or hurt me. Democrats should not assume that their aggression is protected. For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8).
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