Saturday, March 20, 2021

Elisha and The Prophet's Wife

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? Who am I, or what am I that you should look to me for relief? I have no worldly goods to give you. I have not saved up worldly riches to help the poor. It would behoove you to look to God, the source of all substance and being, in your time of need. But, I will help you. I will do what I can for you, to bless you, because I feel compassion for you and your sons. I will share my understanding of God with you by arousing your faith in Him. We will enlighten your understanding of substance and supply by demonstrating it with a pot of oil and some empty vessels. We will keep you and your sons busy exercising faith in the Provider of all good, and you will have what you need. And it was so (II Kings 4).

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