I want to feel like I am in charge of my labor. I don't want to be a victim of the market's lack of insight or imagination. I don't want to be a victim of my own passivity or disengagement. I don't want to be lazy, but I don't want to waste time on futile endeavors either. I want to be well-informed, smart, and proactive. I want to be engaged to the extent that it supports the implementation of good ideas. I don't want to waste time cultivating connections that don't promote my interests. Self-promotion is the implementation of good ideas, not the cultivation of worthless connections. Ideas and action are more powerful than relationships. Schmoozers are losers.
If you want to realize your human potential, it's not enough to be a good employee. It's not enough to be intelligent, conscientious, and productive. Funny, I used to think that it was. I used to think that was the way things worked. Isn't that how we were told that it works? Work hard and wait your turn and rewards of compensation and promotion will naturally follow. Maybe it works for some people, but it hasn't worked for me. And, I'm not saying that diligence and hard work are bad things. They're just not enough for a man to realize his potential in every case.
I don't want to be dependent on anyone's good will for my progress and prosperity. I don't want my success to be defined by the extent of the world's good will towards me. If the world doesn't like me very much, then my personal bid for promotion will be remanded to the court of mediocrity. I want my success to be defined by implementation of the good ideas that I promote. I will do better to promote good ideas rather than my own personality in the market. Success is achieved by appealing to others' self-interest in the marketplace. The extent to which one is capable of reading and responding to market forces determines the degree of one's commercial and financial success. There is comfort in knowing these things. I may not have the time, energy, or ability to demonstrate them conclusively. But, I have glimpsed their truth and will attempt to live by it.