Monday, July 8, 2013

Equal Oppourtunity Exploitation


We want life to play by our rules, but life has its own rules.  Life doesn't care what you want.  It isn't moved by your childishness and importunity.  It will squash you like a bug, worse than any fabled, Republican bogeyman ever could.  You think that the Republicans are your enemy, but it's really just life that you're up against.  Liberals are always looking for someone else to make their objections to life right for them.  It never occurs to them that reality cannot bear their misconception of it, or that their puerile instinct can't force mommy and daddy (Republicans) to alter the universe in their favor.

In their imaginary world, liberals are never wrong; reality is not an obstacle; and Others have the power to make reality conform to the liberal fantasy.  Liberals never get past the parent-child dynamic in their conception of reality.  There is no objective reality for them, only unequal relationships which must be exploited for personal advantage.  Equality is the last thing a liberal wants in relationships, because there wouldn't be anyone left to exploit.  All the liberal talk about human equality is a ploy to deprive all people of real rights by granting imaginary rights to discrete classes of people.  In the liberal utopia, there will be no universal human rights, only rights dispensed by the state to favored classes of people, the governing class being the most favored.

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