Saturday, September 7, 2013

Obama's Hardon


Just because Obama and Kerry have hardons for the Muslim Brotherhood is no reason for Americans to join in their fight against the Alawites.  Obama wants to redefine America's strategic interests in the Middle East to promote Islamist culture and political power "by any means necessary."  That is what he and Eric Holder are already doing in the United States.  Why are Democrat politicians always at pains to prove that they are not pacifists?  Like being a pacifist is worse than being a traitor to one's own country, culture, and political system.  Liberals always use the pacifists for their own subversive, political ends.  They never hesitate to take the pacifist line if it will help them to destroy the opposition and take power.  But, power and money is what it's all about for them.  Liberals aren't morally opposed to anything.  Like the old-fashioned communists, they will do whatever it takes to get power and enslave the masses to serve their interests.

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