Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Monster


The Fox News interview with Bashar al-Assad was fascinating.  Assad is confident, intelligent, well-spoken, and speaks English with a French accent.  He listened carefully to the questions from Palkot and Kucinich, which were typically leading and insinuating, but refused to be boxed in by them.  His points about democracy, culture, and national sovereignty were apt, clear, and corrective of the interviewers' American line.

Assad understands Obama better than the American people do.  He knows that Obama's policy of alignment with the Islamic Brotherhood is couched in pro-democracy propaganda.  He knows that Obama and his state department deftly equate democracy with freedom in the public mind, and that the Islamists use the language of democracy to conceal their struggle to force Sharia law on a global scale.  Obama and the Democrats have re-aligned American foreign policy in support of Islamist absolutism, and most Americans don't get it.

Americans need to realize that democracy doesn't necessarily mean freedom.  Indeed, it can be misused as an entree to the absolutism Obama says he abhors.  Using democracy to install despotism is politically perverse and retrograde.

Krauthammer calls Assad a liar.  I don't know whether he is or not.  I know that Obama is a liar.  Assad is intelligent, articulate, and compelling.  It was good to see what Obama and the Democrats want to blow away with their bombs, before they do it.  Now I know what they're trying to hide.

If Assad is a monster, as the press is fond of repeating, what is Obama?  Oh, I forgot, he's the darling of the liberal/left American media, and an Islamist ally.

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