Friday, November 27, 2015

Homemaking and Housekeeping


Pretty lady does household chores.
Things are not as they have been in the past. Things are not as I tried to make them in the past, and I have proven not to be sufficient for a lot of things. As life goes on, we learn what we are sufficient for and the pertinent lessons are not always easy. I would like to spend more time being a homemaker and housekeeper, which includes learning how to do it. I have not spent much time making a home for myself, and I regret it. I’m sixty years old and I haven’t made a real home for myself and others to enjoy. I have not learned how to be a good host. I don’t cook. I don’t entertain. I have not done the things that most other people do as normal parts of their lives. Whose fault is that? I made my own choices along the way to get where I am now. I did what I thought was best. I have done a few good things, but I have not accomplished what I had hoped to. Who can’t say that? Even very successful people say that.

I have to work, rest, and eat. Human life requires that I work to support myself. Biology requires that I take time to eat and sleep. Poor mortals work in order to do the other things in life that they would like to do. There is no life without work. It is essential. I choose to worship God, read, write, and socialize with my free time. It is up to me to figure out how most effectively to use my free time for the enjoyment of life. The efficient use of one’s own time is a universal, human challenge. Some of us do a better job than others. Some of us don’t even try.

I want to continue writing, as I have for many years. Thank you for the art of writing, Father-Mother; I do enjoy it. I want to worship God, as I have done from my youth. I want to make a real home for myself and others to enjoy. Homemaking and housekeeping require time and effort, work. I need to take the time and make the effort to have a real home, like other people do. I need to learn how most efficiently to schedule my activities for the best result. I need to discover what I’m capable of and do it.

Graphic retrieved November 27, 2015, from

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