Friday, May 29, 2015

The Hope That Is In Me


People talking in the forest.

There is a point in your youth when you learn that you want sexually, and what you want sexually. Then you go on to live your desire for the rest of your life. You go on to live your sexuality for the rest of your life. How important is it? How important is sex? What difference does it make?

If I did not believe that sex impacts relationships, I don’t think that I would continue to do it. If I thought that sex were an isolated, self-referential characteristic, I don’t think it would have as much power as it does. Sex means something, and one can spend a lifetime trying to figure it out. I have spent a lifetime learning the meaning of sex for me, and I still don’t understand it fully. Sex is the great social and psychological shell game. Does anyone really understand it, or is it just something that we do? God bless the people who just do it. It’s a curse to have to think about sex. Society places the burden on some of us to think about it. Society demands that some of us account for our sexuality. It’s not enough that one is simply sexual and follows one’s instincts. Society wants an explanation, a reason for the sex that is in you.

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